All posts by MRC_Admin

2 Years and Counting

November 16, 2017 will be 2 years since my implants were inserted.

December will officially be 2 years of survivorship; for me it started in December 2015 when I received a letter telling me I was entering survivorship time.  I technically didn’t finish surgeries until April 2016, and I stopped seeing an oncologist in August 2015, so I don’t really know why the letter came in December.

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Why Choose a Double Mastectomy?

I was diagnosed with DCIS – Stage Zero – Was a doubleM too much? For some it may be too extreme, for me it wasn’t.  There are many factors to consider;

  • Family History
  • Can you live with the thought of recurrence?
  • What was evident from initial test;
    • Mammogram
    • Ultrasound
    • MRI
    • Biopsy
    • Other
  • You are okay with submitting your self to chemotherapy, radiation and followup drugs (example Tamoxifen for 5 years)?

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Another 6 month Breast Surgeon Follow-Up (Halloween 2016)

I have 2 surgeons, the one that did the mastectomy and the one that did breast reconstruction. I’m done with the plastic reconstruction guy, and my breast surgeon will monitor me through survivorship and send be back to my Oncologist if she thinks I need to see him. I’m a little unsure where my GP plays into all this. If I feel something, who do I call, both?

Continue reading Another 6 month Breast Surgeon Follow-Up (Halloween 2016)